Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Page added:  Boeing 747.

Click on :

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Page added titled:  Boeing 707.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Page of Small Planes added

I have added another page entitled : Small/Light Planes.    I have followed the same format as that of biplanes.  Hope you find this interesting to tell others.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Page added: Bi-planes

I have added a new page entitled:  Bi-planes.  I have made this page a detailed one with discriptions etc.   I look forward to your feedback on this format.  Sugestions are welcome.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Display pages

There are no posts for some time but I have been adding pages. Earlier posts get buried with fresh posts and may be forgotten.  So I have displayed Aviation Stamps in various categories like Balloons, parachutes, airships etc on different pages.  These pages are listed on the side bar and will be clickable at all times.  Click on a page to view its contents.  I will be adding pages from time to time to show my collection and additions.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Balloon Stamps

Balloons on Stamps

First manned flight was achieved in 1783 when the Montgolfier brothers flew their balloon for the first time.  Since then balloons have progressed to airplanes but ballooning is still around as a sport and for recreation purposes.  The 200th anniversary of this event was commemorated philatelicaly by almost all countries of the world.

Following are some balloon stamps from my collection.

Balloon over McDonald National Park
Balloon over CBD, Sydney

Balloon over Mt. Buller
Balloon over Parliament House, Canberra

The Double Eagle